Slides (improved):

What is Vue.js where did it come from?

We will take an overview look at the new kid on the block. Exploring the workings of a `Progressive Framework’ and where it sits in the industry.

While discovering Vue.js we will explore the infamous PWA’s (Progressive Web Applications), which will take the spot light in majority of application in the web.
Extending the PWA platform we will look how Sockets and Service Workers can coexist together, a PRA (Progressive Realtime Application), allowing platforms to improve the user experience without affecting the critical download chain.


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Thank you Blake, has been very useful and since we're using Vuejs at Musement and we're going to make it a Progressive Web App soon. You talked about render functions and now I understand how and where can we use it.

Thank you

Federico Gandellini at 19:27 on 11 May 2017

very smart solutions to use vuejs + service workers + web sockets!

Great usage of Vue with an unusual stack.

the cache argument was very interesting but i think too much time was spent on it. good talk however!

This is a really interesting topic and I was really looking forward to hearing what the speaker had to say about it. The presentation was well-made and the concepts were introduced in a connected and timely manner. The only thing that kind of bugged me was that the speaker's intonation was somewhat flat and that made me fade away a couple of times.

Miro Svrtan at 02:02 on 13 May 2017

Talk felt as cut into 2 topics: lets do Vue marketing and lets talk about PWA.

Personally I didnt find Vue marketing part informative and explaining templates felt as too long. On PWA I was sorry that demo didnt work out but demo gods don't smile to everyone.

I would suggest speaker to try to talk with bit more intonation and volume, at moments it was hard to follow.

Enrico Bono at 00:07 on 14 May 2017

I'm sorry I could not hear everything you said. The topic was really interesting to me, but I guess I saw too much history and too complicated examples, while I'd have loved to see less history but more (understandable) examples.

Blake Newman (Speaker) at 02:49 on 14 May 2017

Thanks for the feedback!

My thoughts:

1) simplify the code examples
2) make the template examples static exploring the single benefits
3) expand on details of Vue such as the it's core features
4) reduced stats on Vue (also felt over marketing)
5) few more slides to help improve tone, where things felt repetitive

Overall I'm glad you enjoyed it and hopefully learnt a few things you may have not known before.

A good talk and a good speaker.