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I want to be like Joël when I grow up. A gracious presenter, impressive intellect, and genuinely helpful guy.

Also, Lithium seems to be a very well thought out framework that tries very hard to make developers' lives suck less.

An entertaining and informative speaker. Knows his audience and his project and how to connect them.

Thank you for a very informative talk.

I feel much smarter after listening to a talk Joël has presented -- deep knowledge and the ability to share it is excellent.

However, for me I would have preferred the talk to be all working with Lithium rather than a lot of Framework 101. I'm very excited about this framework, and would like to have seen more "real world" examples.

Although I am not a framework user, Joël did a good job of explainin Lithium. He was also frank and honest about what frameworks are good for and what they are not so good at doing. I appreciate honesty.

Very informative, but could have used more examples! Joël presents ideas in a fun and engaging format.

While not quite what I was expecting, it was a good introduction to Lithium and gave me the kick-start I needed to give it a try.