Talk in English - US at php[tek] 2023
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PHPUgly Hall
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Test Driven Development (TDD) is the process of using very short development cycles to test and then implement your code. In this session, we'll explain the process of TDD, why you should be using TDD every time you write code, discuss tools you can use to develop PHP applications using TDD, and work through several examples to get you started.
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Excellent overview and overview of other resources too.
Good testing explanations.
A bit too basic, could have used some more practical examples.
Good as a beginner talk. Wish it had more real world examples.
This was a great introduction to TDD. I learned some good information with the common gotchas. One area I struggle with for testing is writing the actual tests. I think this talk helped me with understanding that smaller is better along with when to refactor in the process.
great talk, wish it had more in depth examples
Covered topic just as described with little frill and plenty of examples. Well prepared speaker. Covered both examples, toolsets, common mistakes, and general approach. Could have benefitted from contextualizing unit and integration tests in context of other automated test types and contrasting the two earlier in the talk.
This was an excellent explanation of the test-driven development cycle. I would have been interested to see examples of more difficult TDD scenarios, like working with legacy code.
Really helpful for a beginner to TDD.
Resources including slides can be found at.
Awesome intro, and you're definitely right about the endorphin hit!
A simple but effective walk through the concepts of TDD with simple examples to illustrate the work flow.
This was good for an absolute beginner. Nice overview and the insight to write code that passes tests trivially (eg. a function that just returns true) as part of the process was a bit of an epiphany for me. I would have liked to have seen more material on how implementing TDD affects the rest of the dev process (story writing, grooming, estimation, etc) and I would have preferred a live demo rather than screenshots.
Good overview of TDD. Scott was very knowledgeable about the value of TDD and gave simple examples of how to easily create tests, run the tests and watch them fail, and then write the code to make them pass.
Good explanations. Very enjoyable.
Great talk for those new to TDD.
Good intro to unit testing. Covered all of the basics.
Good overview of how to utilize TDD.
Well organized, nicely presented. This was a great introduction and encouragement to use TDD!