Open Source communities allow us to contribute to so many things. There will always be work available and it never stops. It's all too easy to get caught up in everything and neglect our own health and wellbeing. We naturally want to help out, to improve something, to support others, to take on responsibilities, and to make our ideas a reality. This session aims to give you the advice and tools to support your Open Source ambitions without ploughing yourself into the ground.

Humans are not designed to work tirelessly and endlessly. At times we have to stop to look after ourselves. Taking a break might not be the easiest or most obvious thing to do. Many of us have responsibilities within the community and a lot of pressure sitting on our shoulders. It's okay to stop and look after yourself. This session explains how to activate self-care mode to let yourself recover. All whilst not letting anyone down in the process.

Many of us in the community are plagued by worrying concerns that hinder us in some way. Such things as, imposter syndrome, feeling overwhelmed, not feeling heard, not feeling accepted, and feeling scared. This session will face these demons head on.

Communicating effectively online is key within an Open Source community. We are a huge team from all over the world, and the majority of our communication takes place online. Miscommunication is all too easy when posting online. Worst case scenario it can lead to unnecessary frustration, conflict, upset, exclusion of others, and people leaving the community. This session contains the facts about online communities plus best practices for communicating online.

If we are to be part of an Open Source community, we must support others. We are all in this together and we depend on each other to get things done. Beginners need support to become part of the community. Long time contributors also need support, more than you think. We have witnessed people crash and burn, and also leave the community completely. There are many simple things we can do to support each other, this session will provide the tools to do so.


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Oliver Davies at 22:45 on 1 Jul 2017

Fantastic keynote. Connected with me on various levels with multiple points, and reminded me of key things like it's OK to say "no", not to take on too much and help yourself before helping others - lessons I'll ensure to remind myself of regularly going forward.

My only criticism of this talk is that Emma spoke VERY quickly!! But catching up with her afterwards I learned that she thought she'd have an hour to talk instead of 45 minutes. It was an excellent subject and really well thought through. Self-care is something that a lot of our community don't consider much, and it's nice to have a lot more focus on it. What a great keynote!

Tim Regester at 20:38 on 2 Jul 2017

I only caught half of the talk due to travel issues, but learnt an awful lot and most importantly the talk was referenced a few times in other sessions, so it clearly hit the nail on the head.

Johan Gant at 09:25 on 3 Jul 2017

A great keynote. In hindsight I felt it set the tone for the rest of the day (for me anyway) and it was interesting to hear about the dynamic in the CWG and Emma's own experiences of getting to grips with contributing to an Open Source community such as Drupal.

Some good tips for newbies and good to hear there's more of this sort of thing being rolled into future DrupalCons.

This was my first Drupal Camp ,however I am privileged to have heard Emma speak before at one of the Drupal Yorkshire meet-ups in Leeds where I do my Apprenticeship in Web Development.
This opening talk really set the tone for the rest of the day I felt. It was well structured and presented, leaving the room with a very warm feeling.

The content on this presentation, was very close to me personally and I think that Emma has done a brilliant job. I always love listening to her talks. Thank you Emma !