How open source contribution benefits businesses and practical help on getting management and technical teams on the same page and contributing on a regular basis. Many companies and their developers struggle to incorporate contribution into their daily working routines. Why do we struggle with contributing if we "believe" in open source and "know" contribution is “obviously” a good thing for all of us? Chris Jansen and Jeffrey A. "jam" McGuire present practical, actionable ways to better unify our beliefs and our actions regarding open source contribution based on an extensive academic study Chris carried out in 2015. Our goal is to get management and developers on the same page about open source contribution and help you make it happen. * How open source contribution benefits your company. * Roadblocks and unblockers to contribution for management and technical teams. * Proven, actionable tactics, improved developer workflows. * Contribution beyond code and patches.


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Steve Winter at 14:01 on 1 Dec 2016

A somewhat rambling series of good ideas presented in a somewhat disjointed way.

Asmir Mustafic at 14:14 on 1 Dec 2016

really did not get this keynote. slow and took home one advice or less... :(

Inspiring but could be better structured and prepared

Benny Penny at 18:21 on 1 Dec 2016

well... like another commercial with not so unproper technical background

Tom ate at 18:23 on 1 Dec 2016

Quite tiring talk. Sadly... ä

Disappointing sales manager talk.

A bit of a weird story line

Why preach upon the Open Source for a community already working in open source.
Especially when the crowd is majoritarly composed of technician knowing the benefits of it.
The talk is not bad at all, rythm is good and the voice tone too but in my opinion taken in the wrong place.

need to be better structured. Topic was interesting.

Nothing interesting

Although it contained some interesting point and talking points to get across in your company, it lacked an obvious thread.

The topic of this talk was great, but the presentation itself was a bit confusing and font-size of some slides are to small.

Amrouche Hamza at 13:56 on 2 Dec 2016

Good talk, but I think there was too much compagnie talk

Jens Hassler at 15:51 on 2 Dec 2016

very sleep-inducing, sorry.

Peter Dietrich at 16:52 on 2 Dec 2016

Little bit confusing and not very many new things to take away

Ilia Petriaev at 17:23 on 2 Dec 2016

The topic is so-so, presentation is weak.

I paid money for this!?!?!?! I can summarize this talk in one sentence. "Create pull requests in open source projects." There. Done.

One might ask themselves, what exactly does that have to do with Symfony? The topic itself is actually quite interesting, but the presentation could have been better.

Vasily Rodin at 14:33 on 3 Dec 2016

Was funny sometimes, but general idea is just for 5 minutes, not for big talk

Thomas Knuppe at 15:48 on 3 Dec 2016

Chris Jansen was hard to understand because of his accent / tongue piercing / potato in his mouth. Sorry, no offense intended, just to make the point clear.

Maciej Malarz at 13:06 on 5 Dec 2016

Tiring and a little bit chaotic, would be better as a lighting talk

Andy Roid at 18:37 on 6 Dec 2016

topic interesting but flaw "team work" between the two speakers