The conference encourages analytic, critical and practical engagement with design and displacement in several ways. First, it points to the need for investigating the relation between design intentions and their displacements, for example as catalysts for change and conflict. It also highlights the importance of investigating design controversies. It locates design practices in broader political contexts, and focuses attention on how design facilitates or hinders social inclusion, locally and globally. The theme 'Design and Displacement' invites careful analyses of the way design practices take part in shaping worlds. However, 'Design and Displacement' also raises questions around STS as design work and practice-based interventions. In this sense design becomes simultaneously topic and outcome, a situation that raises new questions concerning the role of STS research. ‘Design’ has become a key concept across a multitude of disciplinary domains and social spheres. In addition to its traditional ‘aesthetic’ associations, it is now a key term in multiple scientific domains and in diverse technological practices. One can even think of societies and social arrangements being ‘designed’. In science and technology, ‘design’ implies the re-arrangement of materials and ideas for innovative purposes. When newly designed scientific and technical objects enter the world, however, their initial purposes are often displaced. For decades, STS researchers have been following the practical and political dimensions of science and technology. By focusing on concepts and practices of scientific and technological design at their sites of construction and on their multiple displacements, the 2012 conference continues this tradition. By bringing together ‘design’ and ‘displacement’ we want to highlight how scientific and technological design engages with existing socio-technical arrangements in both planned and unplanned ways, facilitating both collaborations and contestations, and generating both order and disorder.

Event Related

Thursday, 18th October 2012


Pre-Session Meeting (Panel 82)

Friday, 19th October 2012


The Field Site as a Tool: Insights in Privacy Protection Mechanisms of OSN Users

Andreas Kramm, Andreas Poller

Wiki-based Networks and Communities of Practice in Cultural Heritage

Dagny Stuedahl

Co-designing an online learning environment

Petra Ilyes

Collaborative Re-Articulations: Ethnography of Information Practices in Educational Research

Christoph Schindler

Keeping Players in the Game. Mediations and Management of Heterogeneity in the Users-Producers Relationship

Vinciane Zabban


Designing Security: Socio-Technical Border Arrangements

Sebastian Sierra Barra

Working with Nature: Emerging practices of soft coastal protection

Friederike Gesing

Ethnography of the future: Researching ubiquitous computing for design

Katharina Kinder

Experiences and constraints - patterns of socio-technical interaction

Valentin Janda

Cognitive Ethnography: Socio-material relations in a new light.

Samuel Tettner


How to do Ethnography of a Computer Simulation?

Martin Deschauer

Displacing Scientific Concepts and Practices: Implications for the development of things, people and disciplines

Jose A Torralba

A pair of lenses on bioscience architecture: an ethnography of design intent and users’ experiences

Alison F McDougall- Weil

Epistemic Encounters: interdisciplinary collaboration in digital humanities

Smiljana Antonijević