Talk comments

Antonio Rossi at 17:35 on 15 Jun 2018

Another amazing talk. Michel was really competent and the talk was inspiring. I'll definitely try out Angular Elements next week!

Antonio Rossi at 17:32 on 15 Jun 2018

Good presentation. It was a nice overview. Maybe a little bit too long and a little bit too generalistic. But overall it was useful.

Antonio Rossi at 17:30 on 15 Jun 2018

Interesting deep dive into the Change Detection and Zone.js. It was quite useful to understand better the flow and connect the dots.

Antonio Rossi at 17:28 on 15 Jun 2018

Best talk of the day. Really well explained and with a great repo supporting the presentation

Quoto Crescentini!! Ottimo lavoro.

Coinvolgente e molto interessante!!

Partito un po’ a rilento ma poi tante info e spunti interessanti

Analisi imparziale e onesta, come deve essere. E nerdy al punto giusto