Talk comments

Aisha Sie at 14:37 on 21 Aug 2020

Amazing talk with Andreas sharing so much of his personal story, telling us how he dealt with incredibly difficult obstacles that life unexpectedly threw in his path. He manages to take us from those difficulties to his positive experiences opening up about these obstacles to people around him. Being vulnerable allowed those people to show support and understanding - being vulnerable, scary as it might be, can be such a good thing. And this message resonated deeply: after the talk we were all immediately inspired to dare to share with others in chat, directly demonstrating the beneficial effects of daring to be vulnerable. So thank you Andreas!

Timo Bakx at 11:32 on 21 Aug 2020

A beautiful, courageous and very personal talk.

The setting of "this is how I handled it, it might not be the best for you" is something I really love in a talk.
For me, more talks should be about personal experiences and solutions, instead of "this is how you should do X".

Thank you for opening up, Andreas. It's good to hear that opening up is not a bad thing.

Arjan Kleene at 11:14 on 21 Aug 2020

Awesome and very personal talk.

Thanks Andreas, this was awesome.

Jelmer Prins at 10:26 on 21 Aug 2020

It was a great talk. I loved the use of the voice channels for the exercise part.
I'm actually stoked to try it out while talking to colleages, friends, and family.

Aisha Sie at 10:11 on 21 Aug 2020

Damian did a great job explaining then illustrating the benefits of Clean Language through this interactive session, allowing us to experience for ourselves how just a couple simple questions can really help get the ball rolling to explore any topicr! It was fun to see fellow attendees reflect how this is really easy to apply and useful even in informal "hallway track" contexts. Definitely looking up the books recommended to dive into the topic more, thanks Damian!

Timo Bakx at 09:59 on 21 Aug 2020

Good talk, excellent examples. Will definitely use this to improve myself.