Talk comments

An excellent discussion that kept ongoing. And we should definitely continue the discussion to improve the open source community.

My main take away from your talk... I need to buy more LED-strips to improve my home office. But not just the office.... there is room for improvement everywhere.

Thanks for this very nice talk, and your outstanding way of delivering it!

This talk was an eye-opener to me. Each time I was trying to find an argument to disagree, I had to correct myself. Thank you for delivering this talk.

I hope you will continue to spread these words around the world. So we can keep this discussion going.

A superb collection of examples why the php-community including Wasseem rocks! Thanks for your great talk!

Andreas Heigl at 17:02 on 14 Oct 2021

I've learned so much during those 30 minutes regarding my own position within the team as well about how to handle that position. So from a personal point of view that was the best talk of the day. Thank you for that

Andreas Heigl at 16:02 on 14 Oct 2021

I had a certain understanding of Hypermedia. But this talk for the first time made the single pieces click into the right space and suddenly gave me the whole picture. In a very light and entertaining way. Thanks!

Andreas Heigl at 16:01 on 14 Oct 2021

Great collection of reasons why being part of a community makes sense and helps one to get better at whatever the community is about.