
17:30 - 18:30 Walk-in
18:00 Food & drinks
18:30 Deploying Microservices Done Right: Automating Releases
19:30 Break
20:00 How to canary release your applications with Vamp on modern container platforms
21:30 Wrapping up

Location, food & drinks brought to you by: Mollie


Matthijs Dabroek - Mollie - Deploying Microservices Done Right: Automating Releases

Microservices are starting to become an industry standard, but developing these systems bring their own set of headaches. Microservice technologies are moving quickly, requiring short iteration cycles and quick deployment strategies. If these processes are not streamlined (or not in place at all) they will severely hinder the growth of your organization and hamper your development velocity.

This talk will touch upon the importance of facilitating easy deployment in a microservice architecture, and will show some practical examples of how to automate your releases. We will demonstrate how automating your releases can improve not only your development process, but will also give your developers more documentation in support of the development process.

Bio: Matthijs is an allround developer at Mollie, a Dutch payment service provider. At Mollie, Matthijs works on client-facing applications and improving the development and delivery processes. He is currently involved in discovering the world of microservices and trying to bring value to the customer at an increased rate.

Tim Nolet - Vamp - How to canary release your applications with Vamp on modern container platforms

This talk gives some practical examples of how you can gradually release new application versions (or any other containerised workload) to a Mesosphere DCOS cluster. Using Vamp, an open source project available as a package on the Mesosphere Universe, you can target specific audiences, split traffic based on percentages or make up your own workflow from scratch.

Bio: Tim is product advocate for Vamp, the open source canary release platform for cloud native stacks. Tim spends the rest of his time writing Javascript and trying to tune his Fender Telecaster.


Possibility on the canals but very limited space. Would suggest Q-Park at the Tesselschadestraat 1G, 1054 ET Amsterdam and walking towards the office.