Talk comments

Anonymous at 12:23 on 18 Sep 2015

Paul is a very useful engine.

Paul, this was a very insightful talk, answering many of my questions on legacy code-bases. This has been immensely helpful!

Perfect talk that has made me want to dive into codeception to do battle with all of my projects that lack tests.
Thank you :)

really good overview of Codeception with some introductory code to get started using these tests.

Awesome introduction to much anticipated debugging features and even bonus on learning new PHPStorm features (like breakpoints on exceptions).

You are and will always be a very bright mind. Thank you to share a bit of that wisdom.

Very nice overview of current popular profiling tools in PHP, including the commercially available Thank you for your time presenting it.

Great talk and well presented.

Always brave to do a live demo, but it's great that you used xdebug to debug the demo :D

Last heard you talk about xdebug at PHPNW12. Glad to hear that you're still actively developing it.

Dont we have to do all this craziness because Eclipse has a ready plugin for Xdebug so might as well just use that.