Talk comments

Loved the talk, Jeff. I think it will help me write better tests. I could identify several things I've been doing wrong like $cart->getProducts()->count() and not using enough mocks. I also really like the logic that too complicated tests hint at production code being too complicated. I wish there could have been time to keep going with the BDD example.

Great talk. Thanks Jeff. I was hoping that you might touch on the relationship between unit testing and O-O design with interfaces and encapsulation. Specifically I am curious to hear your thoughts on verifying that specific methods are called (on mocks) within the implementation of test. This approach goes beyond testing the interface/contract of a method to test the internal *implementation* of the method as well. From an O-O perspective, this approach appears to break encapsulation and I was curious to hear your thoughts on if this is a worthwhile tradeoff.

Jeff did a fantastic job covering unit testing theory and design with a very detailed and practical walkthrough of the entire development life cycle, guided by tests. Highly recommend this talk, going to share with my co-workers once the recording is out!

Well done. I especially liked that you test against interfaces, I really wish more people would do that.

liked the talk. The examples made a lot of sense and drove a lot of the points very well.

Stellar talk, touched very heavily on OOD and TDD, maybe got a little dry 75% in but not in awful way. To me this perhaps the most interesting talk so far.

I could have really used this talk when I was building a shopping cart earlier this year :D.

Really liked the concrete examples. Looking forward to implementing this on some projects soon.

Great talk! I'm glad it touched on TDD and using interfaces/contracts when testing so that code is more flexible.

Great talk. I liked the examples mixed with higher level tips on OOP.