Talk comments

Anonymous at 09:33 on 20 Dec 2013

great talk

I learn more each time I hear Chris speak. This talk in particular was very informative and eye opening.

Great talk Chris! You really have the skill to guide us through the 7 deadly sins. Well done!

Excellent talk. Great mixture of OODP and practical examples of OOA&D using TDD.

Loved the intro to better OOP, in addition to the documentation style of TDD. Excellent job of stressing the importance of refactoring and keeping SOLID principles and DRYness.

Always enjoy hearing Jeff talk. Great insight on how to enhance design through testing. Great examples.

Great examples and made testing WordPress look easy. Great content, with tips and hints on tough spots.

Nicely covered content, could have been a bit longer to include more. (Talk came in under time.) What was covered was very informational and helped get me over a couple of difficult hurdles.

Practical introduction to unit testing. Good font size; I could see everything with my one good eye.