Talk comments

Love this talk !
This was not too low-level.
We could see how to use it in-real world application!

Thanks for pointing out why I can't test. I have the ammo to fight my own 7 deadlies now!

I know what unit testing is and that I should do it, but I don't. This was very helpful information to try to overcome the hurdles.

A bit high-level, but they're helpful concepts for us to consider. I've wanted to be more disciplined in my software architecture, and this has given me practical ways to try to do that.

Great overview of the excuses we give for not testing and showing how they're just that, excuses.

The title of this talk is completely correct: I can't even believe it's possible to automated-test in WP. We will definitely be using the specifics from this talk. Thanks so much!

Great talk, not too grumpy at all!

Don't mean to be the spoil-sport, but this talk felt rushed. There were folks in my group who had not done unit testing before, and whereas talks 2 and 3 provided introductions to PHPUnit, this one assumed significant knowledge of it—even though introducing PHPUnit was the only subject of this talk.