Excellent talk about security, and not just for startups. Some of it was "I know this already" and some of it was "damn, why didn't I think of this before". Only downside (which I've given to many speakers already) was the speed of talking in a hall like this. Even at regular pace some words just drown in the acoustics of this hall, might've tried slowing down a bit.
THE talk of DomCode for me was this one. Felienne understood the acoustics of the big church hall and adjusted her speed of talking to this situation. Aside from that, she gave a talk with awesome content. I've been seeing my kids program with Scratch for a while now but never had had the idea of analyzing what they make and see what lessons I could learn from it. I loved this talk. Thank you.
It is talks like these that I love DomCode for. Go beyond the standard programming talks and look at other topics that are still tech-related. I quite liked this talk and it pushed me to think about not just technology but also the ethics of new technology. Thank you.
I find it really hard to rate this talk, because I understood so little of it. I love talks that challenge my mind, but this was beyond challenging for me. So, content aside, Sylvan is a good speaker. He really explained the stuff he was talking about. The only downside was that Sylvan also fell into the trap of speaking quite fast, something this venue really didn't allow for.
Very good talk. Learned a lot from it. Could've adapted the speed of speaking to the venue. The acoustics of this venue really don't allow for fast speaking. It was a trap many speakers in the main hall fell into. Aside from that, I really loved this talk.
Great stuff for an ad-hoc non-prepared talk. I've seen the bigger talk before that this was taken from, so I knew a bit of what was being said already, but yes, always great fun.
A great social with lots of different fun activities going on.
The only way this could have been improved would have been trying to find a way to get people to stick around after the conference as I think a lot of people left.
Absolutely terrible.
Jokes apart: thanks Rafael - that is something that needs to be preached more :-)
Excellent choice of topic because this can't be said enough. The piratenpartij is also a great choice for this talk. I hope at least some people walk away with the feeling they have to change something.
My expectations were too high though. The subject is very important but the talk was shallow. Needed more arguments and stronger opinions. Also for someone who is joining the elections in March she needs to improve her presenter skills. I do hope she does well and I am certain she will improve over time but will it be enough?
I came in with very high expectations, this talk was one of the reasons why I wanted to come to DomCode this year. Although it was a good talk, I was slightly disappointed. A lot of the information given was pretty standard PiratenPartij information. I had hoped to have seen a bit more depth to it, with more data to back up all the claims. Don't get me wrong, I liked the talk and it definitely strengthened my decision to vote PiratenPartij, but I had just expected more of it.
One additional comment: It felt like you were really nervous. There was no need for that. This is your crowd. We're the tech-savvy that understand the message you want to get across :)