Very good talk about Opcode and all related things : lightweight, a bit of code examples and a roadmap for the future. Well done.
Interesting talk. Simply sad for performance go for static files with json in it. And use suitable tech generating these files. Not a 3 point talk. And it would be beter if he talked bit faster.
Definitely a solid talk with good examples and pros vs cons. Would have liked to have the github link in the abstract so I could have checked the software out before the talk.
I was not expecting a talk about being a scrum master. I would have liked more information about the time management of a tech lead (how do you make sure you still get some coding done) and how to help your team using soft skills when a problem occurs.
Maybe also try to slow down your speech as the pace was difficult to follow for me (and the speech to text service)
Absolutely key learning for anyone working with SQL and even for somebody who thinks they shouldn't work with SQL. Delivered with an irreverent humour which would feel dismissive if it wasn't clear Markus really knows what he's talking about
It was good to see more proponent talks of GraphQL! Lots of good examples of how to implement your own GraphQL server. I hadn’t quite realized that this would be the focus, but enjoyed it nonetheless
Was good to see this talk in it’s updated form, great explanation and very understandable examples
I didn’t understand the message that was trying to be conveyed. If it was that we as engineers can’t make a judgement on what things add value and what doesn’t, I felt that it was odd that the talk ended with such a judgement
I really enjoyed the given examples and humor used to convey the messages
Good overview, practical examples, wisely and properly prepared with macros. Very solid!