The annual conference organized by the French PHP-users group, gathering all PHP and Open Source communities, pros and PHP lovers.


Symfony 3.0 est sorti !
Talk by Nicolas Grekas
Behat c'est plus que ça !
Talk by Samuel ROZE
Les flux : méconnus et sous-utilisés
Talk by Pascal MARTIN
Scrum... Et après ?
Talk by Yvan Wibaux, Johan Girod, Olivier Madre
Mets du ValueObject dans ton modèle
Talk by Damien Alexandre
Machine learning pour tous
Talk by Damien Seguy
CQRS de la théorie à la pratique
Talk by Nicolas Le Nardou
Les structures de données PHP (et l'impact de PHP 7 sur elles)
Talk by Patrick Allaert
Halte à l'anarchitecture !
Talk by Gauthier Delamarre
Towards Modelling Processes
Talk by Mathias Verraes
PHP 7 – What changed internally?
Talk by Nikita Popov
Unglue all the things!
Talk by Beau Simensen
Retour d'expérience sur l'édition d'un "Enterprise Software" en PHP
Talk by Nicolas Dupont
A deep dive into image manipulations with Glide
Talk by Jonathan Reinink
Soyez spécifiques ? Un business clair et du code limpide avec RulerZ
Talk by Kévin Gomez
L'architecture événementielle chez Meetic
Talk by Benjamin Pineau, Matthieu ROBIN
Framework agnostic for the win
Talk by Jonathan Reinink
API Platform : un framework dédié aux applications API-first
Talk by Kévin Dunglas
Rabbits, indians and... Symfony meets queueing brokers
Talk by Gilles Guirand, Gaeano Giunta
Un éléphant dans le monde des licornes
Talk by Matthieu Moquet
How I learned to stop worrying and love Regular Expressions
Talk by Jordi Boggiano
Auchan E-Commerce France : retour d'expérience sur la migration du back-office
Talk by Alexandre Salomé