Talk comments

Great speaker for an interesting framework. I will have a look at beta 4 now

Sara really knows the internals of HipHop - that was great when she points out some features directly in the sources rather than describing it

great talk, learned a lot of new things

from my point of view, it was good to left out any persistant storage

also questions were answered very well

as always, Stefan Priebsch knows what he is talking about and gives good tipps for those who have questions

To me it was unclear, why there were two guys talking when only one knows something about the architecture and implementation.

And also, this talk was about software how you should not build it when it comes to maintainability.

Bisher hatte ich noch keine Zeit gehabt, mir mal Symfony 2 anzuschauen und fand es gut, mal einen Überblick über die Konzepte zu bekommen.

mostly the same as the Webinale Welcome Session. To me this was just a watse of time ...

Great talk, fluently and at some points funny. Love that unicorns ;)

Genau auf de Punkt gebracht. Nicht unbedingt was für Einsteiger (was ich gut fand). PHPT Tests waren neu für mich :)