Talk comments

The presentation was too slow but (IMO) above all we don't need to see, comment, change and see the results of every line of code. More focus about the latest examples (the map, the crossfilter example) could be better

It's amazing to know what Selenium can do, thank you!

Javascript is one of the "worst" programming language (in fact it isn't at all) we know... but if we attend the JSday we don't want to hear some "stupid" examples seen and seen lot of times ;)

Interesting introduction about SVG, too less time about the RaphaelJS capabilities

Interesting introduction about SVG, too less time about the RaphaelJS capabilities

Well, what is there to say. We saw kittens, Jesus, ugly people, beautiful people and you were entertaining as always.

Thank you for your talk.

This was a great talk. Well delivered. Entertaining. With good content.

But let's criticize ;)

The focus on huge (many connections, big bandwidth) websites was a bit too big for me. I am tempted to excessive enhance sites in a lot of other ways ;)

And maybe some more examples of the sites done right would have been nice.

All in all a good talk. I'm glad I got up that early in the morning.

The talk was entertaining and full of robot love. What is there not to love.