Great talk, I really appreciate the code examples
Great talk, it really help understand localisation troubles
Great talk...
Talked fairly fast but was clear, slowing down may help some.
Maybe explaination on why best Vs worse case is happening. May have missed during code example, maybe switch code slide after so you can highlight the issues
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A very comprehensive landscape on how to treat keyboard, mouse, touch and stylus on virtually every device. Fine!
Great talk! Very nice introduction to Fiber
Good presentation of an interesting topic. Maybe it needed more time to get deeper in details.
An ok intro but overall nothing new or "exciting" in the talk. It's part of giving a cs 101 but I expected a deep dive on optimizations ie showing a slow algo in Js and then optimizing its big o. Also I would somehow suggest to explain big o a bit more, ie. Showing that it doesn't really matter on small numbers but as the input grows etc etc. And for example there was a missing part on why browsers use insertion sort for small lists with a theoretical explanation. But overall I think it was a nice talk regardless :)
Very good introduction to Fiber, clear and detailed.
It's always very interesting to know large companies infrastructure. This talk was very complete and easy to follow, thanks a lot!