Some interesting insights into TDD etc. As other said, examples were difficult to follow and in the end trivial. Another time would love more on when things get big and complex.
Shared some interesting ideas, specific for Laravel. Missed the monolith to microservices bit, what could have also been interesting.
Even though this was opiniated (as mentioned), it wasn't mentioned if the opinions were based on an existing design pattern, which would make it more easier to read upon this further. The package seem to be based on the Laravel command bus, although this wasn't clear from the talk.
Great introduction to the conference and to the changes in Laravel 5.3 from the creator of Laravel!
Good tips and nice examples. English was sometimes a bit hard to follow because of accent and volume differences, but was still good to follow, also because of the clear slides.
basic stuff that can bore you :)
I expected more complex situation and tips and tricks
I find the topic useful, nice presentation of Varnish tool
I did catch only the last 10 minutes however I did't find the talk suitable for this conference.
good IoC explanation with some parts that I didn't know about them
Some useful ideas, and well presented.
Though I think using seeds rather migration for some setting type stuff, is not necessarily the best way. On a recent project we ended moving in the opposite direction on this to what you guys did.