An intriguing preview to form passkeys. Looks like an excellent move forward to simplify user experience.
A good reminder that more software levels can be in code and have automation pieces added to them. Excellent example of walking through a build on github actions.
Great ideas. Love the rule of three for DRY.
Good actionable take-aways to improve application documentation. Thanks for documenting your talk for easy reference!
Great information. I’ve known about CVEs for a long while, but I never knew much of how the process worked. This real helped me have a better understanding of that process and the infosec world as a whole.
Entertaining and engaging, as always. Great arguments for why doc are important and should be kept up-to-date, and good examples of how to use docblocks. I agree with others who mentioned expanding the talk to discuss other places/strategies for documentation.
This was super cool to watch this composer / rector magic! Thanks for the live code demo and the use case explanation, I would have never thought of using rector to downgrade to save my bacon during some composer package drama. Amazing!
Always from the heart with sincerity and honesty. I appreciate your insight into your mental health struggles and wish you the best 🙏🏻
TJ is able to explain a highly abstract topic in clear, concise, and practical terms, using relatable examples that didn’t feel contrived. The diagrams and examples were great.
Great primer on CVE process and resources for us to review and utilize.