Clear introduction to cryptography without the complex math.
Awesome info! I learned lots of new stuff that now I have to research and learn some more
Excellent presentation. Great information. Learned a lot as well, info that I didn't know. Now I know I need to switch to PHP 7. Looking forward to reading the books as well. Glad to know I'm doing most of my cryptography right.
Good info. Makes me want to learn about it. More interested in it for GUI applications.
Great content, would have graded it higher if talk began with the "Why". Going over the use cases first would then keep my attention in wanting to learn how to get going with Go. Otherwise its cool to have non-php talks for those interested in what other tools are out there. Thanks.
As is often the case, Beau imparts knowledge clearly. Only obvious critique would be slide size for when the screen is so small.
Overall good talk. Would have liked more on Elastic.
Good topic, but a little more detailed and technical than I expected from the description . The main issue was that it was difficult to hear you due to the sound in the room echoing, and you would occasionally trail off a little volume-wise.
I loved this! “Throwaway” variables always bugged me when I started to learn how to code. This is really an important core fundamental that every PHP developer should learn and use. The talk was very well-presented and moved at a perfect pace. While it may have been a litttle quick, it felt like we covered just the right amount of breadth and depth for an introduction.
Really great intro and examples on cryptography in php