Good talk. Your personal stories showed your passion for helping others and inspires me to mentor more. You also offered good resources for getting started mentoring. The only thing I somewhat disagreed with is that managers should not be mentors (outside of career path advice). I am a manager and have found some of my most satisfying mentor relationships to be with my junior devs. Loved your use of! Also liked your "stand up" poll that had real potential of connecting mentor/mentees.
Good talk to get all developers thinking about their moral obligations. Would have liked some more about how to fight back but I understand that wasn't the point of this talk.
Great information, but it's kind of an awkward sale in the sense that it's along the lines of "don't roll your own crypto, hire an expert" except I suspect a lot of orgs wouldn't accept "hire a tech writer". Absolutely valuable though. Good middle ground suggestion about hiring a professional to create a template and/or doc structure
Documentation is king!
Well organized, logical approach!
interesting stuff
Thanks for the talk! It was a good overview of stuff to think about when creating an estimate.
Lots of good thoughts on APIs and how they should work.
Thanks for the presentation the slides were really good.