Talk comments

Anonymous at 18:27 on 23 Aug 2015

I give you credit for taking on a topic like this. I learned a lot from this and I hope to talk to my company HR department about the resources your provided. Thank you!

Anonymous at 15:59 on 23 Aug 2015

Most of the talk was out of place details about compilers and the speaker's personal accomplishments, without much practical connection, and had little to do with what the talk claimed it would be about. It was OK but it wasn't particularly useful or demystifying.

One of the best presentations on PHP internals (and why code written one way or another will be faster/slower) I have ever seen. The parts emphasizing how PHP code is interpreted by a compiler and leads to slow performance could have been better with a before-and-after example explaining the _right_ way to do things.

The downside of videos turned into GIFs is that they loop. And loop. And loop. And ... the audience gets a bit lost if you stick on one, large, animated slide for too long. The presentation as as whole was above average but the emphasis on videos felt misplaced and detracted from the flow of the talk.

Valuable information and good delivery. I did leave with a few questions, but Cal answered them afterward. I'd be comfortable recommending this talk to others that haven't seen it.

Good overview of some of the available quality tools for PHP. Comfortable delivery. Bio section might be a little longer than necessary, but it might have just been info I already knew because I've seen Adam speak before.

Anonymous at 15:29 on 23 Aug 2015

Informational, alas lots of information for time frame

A bit of an echo of Adam's comments, but I also noticed the speaker seemed nervous... bit of a voice quaver, hands in pockets, etc... while that's completely understandable, a little more practice might help improve the delivery.

Good information but it seemed like the abstract didn't quite match the content, so I was left a little confused early on. The testing information, while good, seemed a little out of place with the rest of the talk and I would have preferred more about SOA implementations.