Presentation was so slow. It felt like I was back in a high school class. To many chatty questions ("what do you like about Django?', "raise or hand if you use version control", etc). Get to the meat & potatoes. You only have 1 hour.
Zzzz... I don't remember any talk of revenue & business strategy.
Makes me jealous I don't have xmission & utopia
Expections were low. I was pleasantly surprised.
Here's a link to the slides:
And here's the talk on youtube:
Thank you for your presentation. It was very relevant to what I seen in my various jobs.
Of all the presentations done at OpenWest this was my favorite. Walking out after the presentation I wanted to go buy a Raspberry Pi right then.
Thank you, it was great!
As far as pure entertainment value this was far and away my favorite talk at OpenWest. Great job Kevin. I've got to put in a sprinkler system soon, perhaps I'll build it out with my Pi now.