Lots of great real world data. Well done. Applicable beyond IoT and not that JS related. You might want to change the name of talk.
Great talk, good points, very knowledgeable
great basic overview, an expanded example of rebase could be helpful given more time.
Passionate delivery, informative content, demo-heavy. All around great presentation.
Per the content type it was a bit difficult to follow if you don't already know functional programming (Haskell in particular).
Some philosophical opinions were given with no time for further discussion. Great job at invoking thought and questions but would have like less content with more time for discussion and/or expansion of concepts.
Great examples! The repos provided will give me an amazing amount of examples for the entire process.
This is stuff that is so difficult to find references, examples or documentation. Great stuff!
Good overview about the most important issue of continuous deployment, changing your mindset. Nice example of rocketeer and bamboo.
Great breath and introduction to php concepts and tools. Good speed and flow.
Good info and presentation on how to start a business
This was a very enjoyable presentation. The content wasn't overwhelming for the time frame. We had time to discuss what we were learning, which is often foregone for more content. Great job!
Your introduction to lambdas via examples leading up to it was fantastic. Boom, we've been looking at lambdas the whole time. Nice.