Talk comments

Great talk with great insights and a excellent live demo showcasing what effects CSPs have for your website.
Bonus for the “Hackers” movie references

Great talk about best practices for your everyday git workflow

Excellent and funny... And also very useful

Nice topic, but you could work on speech volume

Excellent way back to previous PHP versions

Marcel Pociot at 15:31 on 25 May 2019

I think this was an excellent talk that gave a lot of very useful tips about how to make effective use of git.
The pre recorded demos were not too long and helped understand the mentioned concepts in a good way.
Thank you for the talk, Pauline

I feel like there was too much content inside this single talk. Software architecture IS very important, especially for being able to adopt new features / changes quickly and maintenance, security, etc.

However, I feel like it were too many graphs and too many different architectures introduced. You could easily fill a full day just with DDD, also a full day about CQRS, a single talk about onion layers and so on. All of this together in 1 talk felt a bit overwhelming and I'm not sure how much people not familiar with those architectures / concepts already could really follow.

Some of the questions asked at the end (e.g. refactoring 1 Million LOC or what to do with a legacy application or what framework has the best architecture) showed imo that many people in the audience couldn't really follow or are not able to apply even basic concepts of the talk.

Thank you for the talk though and kudos for answering that many questions at the end.

Great presentation skills and definitely a good, valid point was made regarding security and how important it is from a business perspective.

However, I personally think the first part (impact on a business) could have been a little bit shorter, although it is very important. From the technical perspective it would have been interesting to maybe see it more from a practical side (e.g. implementation in PHP) or further explanation on what happens when the server really gets hacked and the Vault credentials are in the hand of an attacker. How is Vault useful in this case? What needs to be done then? Etc. Also the performance impact is a very important point.

But thank you for the talk, I enjoyed it.

Awesome talk, great presentation skills and very interesting. I especially liked the personal part and the history. Thank you!

Great story about PHP history and the future.