Entertaining talk with a fair number of good points (like including users in building security into an app).
Entertaining talk. I'm not a great contributor, but this talk me realise how much I enjoy little things like reporting a bug or doing a small pull request.
Good introduction to both Angular and ES6. Also nice to learn about material design!
Maybe you could start with a quick overview of what we will be doing in the tutorial, like:
1. set up
2. create a controller
3. create a simple component
4. create a complex component
Really scary graphics.
At last, after contless talks, it looks like I now understand the concepts behind event sourcing and CQRS.
Best talk of the conference for me, very happy that Stefan decided to rehearse it at the uncon.
Mind you, the talk is not just about leveling up your team, but also about leveling up yourself, which we constantly need to do. Came away with lots of good tips, and very inspired to learn new things.
One remark: at one point the speaker asked: "Who attended a user group meeting?" And then another question right after it, "Who at least heard about a user group in their area?" Feels like the first question should have been "Who never attended a user group meeting?"
Good stuff on not just how to improve code, but everything technical around the code. A must see for everyone!
Excellent talk, had a few "A-ha!" moments that will most certainly help me improve my code.
Good tips on how to deal with legacy code, the speaker is obviously an expert in the field.
Entertaining talk with some very good points.