Talk comments

Great talk on extracting/parsing information from your logs in different ways.

It was interesting to see how you solved the performance issue by using something other than PHP.
The only thing I was missing was some info on deserializing using this approach, but I know this wasn't part of the talk's scope.

Great tutorial packed with lots of information on architecture, tdd, bdd & ddd.
The only downside was that you were expected to have some background in these concepts to be able to do the exercises.
This wasn't a problem for me (aside from bdd being new for me), but I noticed a few participants struggling with some of the concepts in the exercises.

Aside from the knowledge level required it was a very good tutorial; great job Matthias.

Thanks for all the feedback everyone!

Just brilliant :-)

Clean overview, showing possibilities including a practical implementation (not a deep dive). And a talk from Cal seems to just always get and hold your attention, quite the natural public speaker.

A clear overview, well-structured & explained. Thank you.

The latter part of the presentation was the most interesting, but didn't get the time & attention anymore (over time). Too long a focus on the learning styles (which are quite known I'd guess, expected more foucs on the practical application).

Sharing his practical implementation to a common problem (and releasing it). Always interesting to see how people work it out, Julien shared his setup/solution in a clear & straight-forward way.

I love past, present and future-talks, especially from someone rooted as deep as Cal Evans + pro speaker, of course.