Talk comments

Anonymous at 21:08 on 5 Oct 2016

@anonim: opis warsztatów mówił, że najpierw krótkie wprowadzenie, a potem programowanie w grupach. Czego się spodziewałeś?

@Grzegorz: rozmawialiśmy o tym, masz rację. Wnioski na przyszłość na pewno zostały wyciągnięte. Przy ewentualnym kolejnym podejściu na PHPCon (czy raczej PHP CE) na pewno byłoby to lepiej zorganizowane: 1) wspólne repozytorium z gotowym projektem do rozpoczęcia, 2) jednoznaczne i proste zadanie, 3) jasno określona grupa docelowa, 4) może wspólne programowanie w ramach max. 15-osobowej grupy.

It was nice, but a little hard for someone who wasn't familiar with functional programming ... it should be switched with "Podejscie funkcyjne w projektowaniu oprogramowania" from Tomasz Kowalczyk - would be easier to folow this one :)

It was just good talk, definitely not waste time.

It was OK for someone who is not using Doctrine Migrations. There wasn't so many tips&tricks, and I had hope that there will be some from doctrine migration contributor. Should be mentioned in description that it's basic knowledge.
Michael was asking who uses doctrine migrations, and was saying that he don't know if we learn something from this, but I was thinking that He's joking :)
If someone wasn't familiar of this library then 4/5...

I need to say - Thank You for this. Shame on me, but I wasn't using mutation testing and my knowledge about this was "I heard something about it, but don't remember when" ... this presentation showed me that such approach has sense!

Presentation was well prepared, examples was good. One thing is that now ml in PHP is only for fun (statistics when learning Java vs PHP) ... for any serious use we - as PHP programmers - will need to use some foreign libraries/languages :)
Good thing is that if someone want to try ML, he can grab PHP lib and experiment without learning java ... math algorithms are the same. Thanks for this one.

Well made and informative presentation. Speaker knew how to sell his point of view. Good - and controversial for some people - point about only master branch, and pair programing. Example used as a base for this talk was good choice.
"Backstage" talk after presentation was also nice.

Presentation itself was well prepared and talker knew what he was talking about. From technical point of view it was 5/5.
From other side, I'm still not hurray-optimistic about functional programing in PHP as the way to go until PHP will be more "functional friendly". You don't gain speed, in complicated cases code isn't that readable ... but for fast work (filtering etc) I'll maybe try to do some functional stuff (because why not).

This one was very informative. I know Guzzle a little, but wasn't experimenting with PSR-7 HTTP messages. It may be useful knowledge. Hannes made good presentation, and examples was well picked.