Talk comments

Actually it was OK. Maybe not superb, but informative. Before conference I didn't know that GWENT has PHP backend - nice to listen about how to handle a project where - in future - there may be a massive traffic. Overall good job!

Bardzo przyjemnie si? s?ucha?o, dobry sposób prezentacji, sposób mówienia. Sam temat nie by? mo?e super porywaj?cy, ale uwa?am, ?e by?o to dobrze zrobione przypomnienie zasad refaktoryzacji. Plus za to, ?e powiedzia?e?, ?e trzeba refaktoryzowa? na co dzie?, przy ka?dej okazji.

A very interesting case-study, well presented. A bit biased but that's how case-studies are done ;)

Tomasz Wójcik at 22:25 on 4 Oct 2016

Where's the "hacked" part? I felt like You were talking about how to name functions properly, nothing more.

I didn't like the part when You refactored "setState(SomeClass::APPLIEAD)" (a setter introduces an intention) to "applied()" (a method which name suggest that will return a bool, same like isApplied()). I would rather name the function "apply()" to still indicate an intention.

Tomasz Wójcik at 22:14 on 4 Oct 2016

First of all - work on Your slides man, the font was way to small to see from even middle of the room, and the slide with the code (colourful font on white rectangle on orange background ... my god, I don't even see it well on my laptop sitting next to it). You didn't give me a change to read what You wrote :(

Secondly it lacked some examples of usages, a more practical approach. Felt like You talked about things I can google myself in minutes, so if You tried to convince to use those technologies You failed imho and I was very disappointed as I was very interested in that topic

Tomasz Wójcik at 22:03 on 4 Oct 2016

I was interested in this topic few years ago and Your presentation reminded me of that time. You've talked only a bit of what I had to learn back then (and I wasn't into the topic for a long time). You could mention more about the idea in general, maybe about Red5 server a bit and not focus that much on the bundle itself (especially not how it's interfaces look like). Although it was an interesting presentation. Hope to see more when You fix some issues in the bundle like handling that ffmpeg process dies and such :)

Tomasz Wójcik at 21:54 on 4 Oct 2016

Nice talk, well presented :)

Tomasz Wójcik at 21:45 on 4 Oct 2016

Nicely done. Too bad the public wasn't as responsive as You thought it'd be (some were sleeping I guess heh). Simple yet great idea used as an example to more complicated process. I liked when You asked the public on how do we know if a comment can be treated as a php code - You've opened my mind with question and I liked it very much :)

Tomasz Wójcik at 21:41 on 4 Oct 2016

Well propared, well presented, very informative. TBH we embrace all the things that You've talked about in our company as well so I can agree to everything You said :)

Tomasz Wójcik at 21:27 on 4 Oct 2016

nice introduction to Neo4j, expected a bit more complex example of graph structure and query though