Talk comments

Great talk be the author of phpstan himself! Even as a frequent user of the tool, there were many interesting learnings.

That was a very interesting insight behind the scenes of this massive project. Even if most people won't be working on projects of this size, there was a lot to take away from this talk for everyone.

well done - I liked how you don't claim REST or GraphQL is generally superior but explain the benefits and drawbacks of each.

the critical comments here on might come from expectation management - this was not a technical talk on how to do REST/GraphQL, but a comparison of the approaches.

An entertaining talk with many good advices in it.

that was an entertaining way to talk about problems one can encounter in projects.

Erik Pöhler at 23:36 on 22 May 2022

Ondrej gave a great in-depth introduction on PHPStan and the possibilities in fine-tuning settings in order to adapt PHPStan to ones individual requirements.

Erik Pöhler at 23:35 on 22 May 2022

Interesting, entertaining talk. A list of notes of stuff to try and to get my hands on.

Andrea Sprega at 23:10 on 22 May 2022

The topic has potential to become an interesting talk, but I think it lacked mainly two things: context as to why a new test suite was needed (I'm assuming it wasn't the first test suite for the project, and maybe the existing one had specific issues), and also some practical examples of how specific things were implemented and specific problems were solved. In the end, it was too much of a generic list of things that were made to create a test suite, which did not deliver a lot of value. I'm sure this talk will be improved for next conferences, keep up the good work!

Andrea Sprega at 23:05 on 22 May 2022

Interesting topic. Maybe the presentation was a bit too slow and needed more rhythm to be more engaging for the audience. I would have loved more time to digest the final part, which to me was the most interesting but a bit rushed.

Andrea Sprega at 23:03 on 22 May 2022

Interesting talk, with a lot of useful information, even though I think it should be more stimulating for the audience. Maybe by adding some anecdotes or some lighter "interruption" slide?