Talk comments

This was a great open discussion. Some points raised even made me think about my own personal traits which need to change.

Mike gets you thinking about how to look at another persons code and think again about how it looks.

A very clear talk on what is needed in order to secure you php application. Very informative and honest as well as informative.

As usual, the talk was enjoyable. James gave good examples of why the package BetterReflection was created and gave good scenarios of when to use it.

Any talk by James I would recommend.

As someone who has only started doing agile recently it was nice to see that things I have suggested at work were touched on in this talk.

It was a great talk which gave a clear way to help multiple teams to communicate with each other.

The talk was presented.

A lot of useful points were put forward through the use of code examples and this generated some interesting discussions.

I think at times the discussions strayed away from DDD, however it is understandable as the topic areas within can be related to many others outside.

Even so, for an unprepared talk it was very good in highlighting some of the key principles of DDD such as Ubiquitous Language amongst others.


I really enjoyed James' talk. It was interesting hearing the reasons for making the BetterReflection package and how it works differently to the Core Reflection functionality. Seeing how things worked behind the scenes was a bonus.

Informative and entertaining as usual! Thanks :)

A really good introduction to Web Sockets. The talk highlighted the main concepts with useful diagrams, and consisted of a live demo which was very effective.

Rob's delivery of the talk was great and it definitely kept the audience engaged.

I'm definitely going to look into Web Sockets after this. Thanks!

I don't have much experience with Behat and Harry's talk was a great one to show me the basic concepts and how it works. The live demo was very effective in demonstrating the processes of creating a Feature and building it up within the application. Thanks!

on Behat

A great talk by Toby where he shared his experiences of the ups and downs of working for himself, putting forward how to make the process as smooth and effective as possible.

The delivery was very clear and confident and I took a lot away from the talk.


For an unprepared talk - with no slides - it went pretty well!

Great to hear about the differences between contracting and FT employment.

Thanks for sharing :)