Talk comments

Ótima palestra, fez uma apanhado geral, um pouco corrido mas bem proveitoso!

Ainda não tinha parada para ver Docker, mas essa palestra me deixou interessadissimo :)
A forma como o doutor Wellington mostra é espetacular. Muito boa.

Esse maloka é foda!
Muito orgulho desse cara, palestra incrivelmente técnica fazendo com que o evento seja realmente de alto nível :)

Muito boa a palestra! Sempre que vejo o meu código lembro do Abdala e acabo diminuindo ele, pra melhor claro!
Quero trazer essa palestra pra Fortaleza-CE :)

Awesome talk. Only CQRS deserves a separately talk and is complicated to teach. I like the presence, the way it was exposed and the exercises to bring the attendees back to the problem when it was about to get bored, good technic. It is probably me that misunderstand the event sourcing part, some more time on it, or a practical example, may be a short live coding, I don't know. As I said may be I am not ready to implement event sourcing yet.

Awesome talk. Security is a tough theme, and show how to prevent issues without encourage other people to explore the vulnerabilities is an art. Yeah, we should even hack but advise the administrator, steal, deface and other stuff are not cool. I felt a little lack of self confidence some times with words like "I guess..., maybe..." probably due to some nervous, I am not sure. In general one of the best talks of the conference.

Great slides and examples, with some live (no too much) code it gets better like he did. But the best was the way he lead the presentation. It was fun and easy to learn, jokes and serious parts at the right time. A lot to learn how he does to keep everyone attentions.

He really was a showman at this talk. Starting with less code is less bug he could pass throughout some topics like object calisthenics without even notice the difficulty this topic offers. Slides were great, good examples, but the capacity to get attendees attention even in some boring parts was awesome. So much to learn from this guy talking in public.

As the tittle says, community works, and duodraco showed it speaking and with his slides. But who knows him even a little can tell he also lives it. The slide with his family and talking how to build a community inside shows it. The only thing that was strange was almost the same theme in both keynotes: community, one explicitly and other implicitly, but as a friend of mine say: "Great minds think alike".

Awesome talk. Sometimes even working with layers, or services, or commands to organize our code and our product we tend to couple things without notice. I felt just a lack of enthusiasm due to a justified nervousism of a first talk with a bigger audiance.