Static Site Generators, PHP, and The Cuban Revolution


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Lucia Velasco at 19:28 on 11 Apr 2018

I loved the comedy and that the dialogue enriched the presentation so effectively.
I appreciated that a variety of options were presented at the end, which might be suitable for a range of people.
I'm so sorry, I can't think of anything to improve, except more Cuban Revolution?!

Great talk considering the 10 minute limit! Good amount of humour, and well done on bringing everyone back to reality by mentioning the cons too.

Rob Wilson at 19:29 on 11 Apr 2018

Awesome talk. A lot of information for a static site generator, and I'm already using alot of what was discussed. Quite comical at times too (a plus)
Drew did rush through his slides, but probably due to having his talk limited to 10 minutes, and it can be a nerve wracking experience talking to 70 people.

Ian at 19:29 on 11 Apr 2018

Good punchy slides, maybe need a pause (make audience think?)

Mike Oram at 19:29 on 11 Apr 2018

Clearly delivered but felt a bit rushed. Would have liked more time on example ssgs. Some good quips and interesting side info about cgi-bin but would consider not deviating too much from core topic when under short time constraints.

Paul alden at 19:30 on 11 Apr 2018

Nice, talk about content well detailed with real examples.

Nice and succinct with good overview of subject and some good links at the end.

MattRink at 19:31 on 11 Apr 2018

A very good talk, lots of interesting ideas and we'll researched. Maybe finish by very quickly building a static site.

Martin Joiner at 19:31 on 11 Apr 2018

Enjoyed the pace. Enjoyed the honest, cool-headed, pragmatic analysis of why to use as well as why not to use. Enjoyed the humour. Possibly not enough explanation of what a static site is for the many new people that are attending these industry events and may not be familiar with what us seniors know as "the basics".

More people should use pink backgrounds in their presentations!

Did feel like it was rushed (which it was due to the time constraints) so don't really have any constructive feedback. But yay, pink!

Rhys Laval at 19:32 on 11 Apr 2018

Good quality talk, humour worked well!

Michael Bush at 19:33 on 11 Apr 2018

Great talk provided lots of information in the short time given, loved the comedy aspect. Left me wanting more.

Peter Fisher at 19:35 on 11 Apr 2018

Great talk lots of really useful information. I didnt know those php static site generators existed. Fab talk!

Phil Mobbs at 19:39 on 11 Apr 2018

An interesting talk, fast paced with humour

A possible improvement could be to include an example of using a generator(if time allowed) or code screenshots

Matt Kynaston at 19:41 on 11 Apr 2018

Cool. Would have been good to hear something about authentication.

Matt Adshead at 19:47 on 11 Apr 2018

Good and funny. Wanted to hear about the Cuban Revolution and how that was going to tie inn

Kieran Potts at 08:14 on 12 Apr 2018

Great talk. Static site generators are a huge topic. They will soon be the standard way to build web applications, as web apps become increasingly decoupled from back-end web services. This was a really useful high-level overview.

David Lumm at 09:57 on 12 Apr 2018

Great delivery, good use of comedy. It's useful for programmers to be reminded every now and then of options that don't require huge frameworks to deliver simple things. It fit in well with some of the other talks given on the night. If there was time it would've been good to hear a bit more about the php-based options as they were new to me.

Great talk. Entertaining and well delivered.

I liked the analysis of the pros and then a few slides later how they were cons. Also loved the link back to how this is what happened in the 90s.

I'd love to see a full length version of this talk.