In April the highly popular lightning talks format returns. We'll have a number of quick talks on a range of topics.

Wednesday 11th April 2018

Static Site Generators, PHP, and The Cuban Revolution
Talk by Drew McLellan (10 minutes)

Static Site Generators, PHP, and The Cuban Revolution

How to not be a cool developer
Talk by Jerguš Lejko (10 minutes)

Which which stands for "getting SPA-like experience while sticking with server-side rendering"

Speedy Seeding for Load Testing
Talk by Martin Joiner (10 minutes)

I will deliberate on the importance of stress-testing an application before launch and also introducing a very simple helper package that I made to speed up bulk inserting thousands of rows of test data. The package is Laravel-specific but the general concept is tech agnostic.

19:50 Using a framework or not
Talk by Peter Fisher (10 minutes)

For both the frontend and backend there are many frameworks that allow for the rapid and solid build of web applications. Many projects require the knowledge of a framework. In some cases this leads a developer to be more understanding of a framework instead of the language that the framework is written in. Should every application be built using a framework and if not, when is it OK not to use a framework?

Bad Tech Tests
Talk by Lucia Velasco (10 minutes)

When I talked to my colleagues I couldn't believe some of the stories they had of awkward, backwards or just plain silly technical tests. This talk is a big, fat example of what NOT to make your prospective developers do, along with a couple of reasons why.

Not using the Git Command Line
Talk by Nigel Dunn (10 minutes)

Let Nigel explain why you shouldn't use the Git command line.

20:30 Devkit. By the People, For the People.
Talk by Vítor Brandão (10 minutes)

We are still not working together on our projects. And that leads to frustration and hinders productivity. See how by using a common developer tool you enforce a common process and a common language, boosting your projects and making developers happier.

Development Dinosaurs
Talk by Andy Gale (10 minutes)

We've got a large team at Hello Future and because nobody, not even Dan, is perfect we often forget to do some required procedural things. Fortunately, we now have a friend from the Cretaceous period to keep us on our toes.