I came to this talk expecting more of a practical example format, but I'm still glad to have gotten some pointers about the weird dark corners of how this stuff is implemented.
my disappointment with this talk was of my own making. I mistakenly assumed this talk was going to be more specific to CSS3. However, it was a more universal and basic level talk. But Justin definitely knows his stuff. Even with years of experience I did manage to learn a few tips from the "common misconceptions" section. I also enjoyed learning more about the CSS Preprocessors.
Had been expecting a more cookbook style presentation, pointing our the edge cases is good for those who have used it before
Great talk on SPL, too bad you didn't had any examples of use cases for some of the SPL topics you covered. Non the less, a great talk
Good code is hard to write, Paul explained why it is worth it
Very interesting talk, good examples on HTTP and REST stuff, great presentation
Great talk! Aura looks cool - it strikes me as an object lesson for exposing how you end up introducing dependencies into code without even really thinking about it or considering the underlying design.
I agree with John, bonus points for repeating questions for everyone to hear.
No messing about and straight into real-world examples. This was a great talk to take information away from.
Another excellent and energetic talk by Paul. Will definitely have to take a look at Aura.
Also: Bonus points for repeating questions that may not have been heard fully by the audience!
Good talk about the edge cases. Would have liked more practical information and how to use it more. Very interesting about how stuff is implemented, though.