Talk comments

The talk felt quite rushed. The slides were too terse for me to follow the flow. I would have benefitted from more examples and explanation of the techniques.

An important reminder that the code itself is only one piece of a larger puzzle. Great talk.

Great talk. It covered both the why and the how in an easy to understand way.

This was a fun and invigorating talk. Lots of good wisdom was transferred. Thank you!

I've been doing contract work for several years and this talk highlighted some of what I was doing right, and some of what I was doing wrong. The personification of the types of clients was very helpful and gave great insight into what to look out for when freelancing. Kudos to Tim on using Prezi!

Quick, concise explanation of software estimation with a lot of resources for future growth.

Very informative talk that really highlighted some of the pitfalls and more importantly, the best practices for date/time handling.

Interesting talk subject, and a very good guide on how to actually put together a contribution to PHP core. Much of the same advice (without the approval chain) applies to making extensions, so is pretty widely applicable. This is a fairly niche talk, but having the GH project to make getting a buildable version of PHP setup is a really good idea

Nice overview of HHVM and hack. Good balance of discussing benefits and limitations. By the end of the talk I felt like I had a good understanding of the state of the project, what it might be a good choice for, and where to go next.

Davey gave good input as well, providing a bit more context at times on usage.

Excellent talk! We all have people that we just don't get along with for whatever reason. Let's detoxify those relationships!