Very well presented. This would be a great talk for anyone who doesn't have a CS background. It's a bit too introductory for anybody with regex experience. Very clear and concise presentation, extremely easy to follow.
Well done. A few verbal hiccups, but very useful content
This was fantastic Elizabeth! Great Pres.
Nice to hear from Terry and catch up to what he has been doing for the past few years. He has cleaned up from keynotes of old, but this did not detract at all from his message. It was nice for Terry to integrate in all the other speakers talks to "wet peoples appetites" for the information they will get at Tek this year.
This was fantastic Elizabeth! Great Pres.
Very energetic and knowledgeable about the subject. I can't think of anything I would suggest. Thank you!
The talk started a bit dryly, with a litany of support dates and release plans for the various versions of PHP which would probably be better suited to a written resource. The information about 5.5 was a bit rushed, but understandable due to the 5.6 focus of the talk. The coverage of the 5.6 features and deprecation list was at a better speed. The best part of the presentation in my opinion was the insight into the PHP planning process, the future of PHP, and how major version changes have been handled with other languages.
Thanks for presenting!
Unfortunately I felt lost most of the time. Your slides were dense with text but you tore through them. You seemed to bounce among the various concepts so it was hard to follow. It seemed that too much detail was provided and the example seemed more complex than necessary.
Admittedly I have little experience with the MVC pattern and almost none with Zend, but the talk was marked as beginning so I had hoped it would be more accessible.
Really loved this presentation. It was very thought provoking and reaffirmed nearly everything I've learned about security.
great talk! thanks!