Talk comments

Wide overview of the current state of Magento, not only V2 but also V1 and a side glance at the surrounding ecosystem.

Absolutely authentic and passionate. Motivated me to get my a** up and contribute more.

very good presenter, good points in this talk.

"Interesting" introduction into Magento 2.

Very inspiring. Good talk to remind you why you should contribute to Open Source.

Anonymous at 11:07 on 9 May 2014

Nice introduction to some interesting concepts coming up in the new magento version.

It was really good to have an introduction to the Magento2 WIP - helped a lot in understanding what has been done, what needs to be done and what we should do in order to avoid a catastrophe.

Personally very very useful!

Very useful to push people towards being better contributors.
Could need some better slides though (better correlation between slide title and content)

very enlightening talk on how business can pay back on open source. It definitely gave me some new arguments for finding community sponsors. seeing investments into community as marketin decission like advertisement is definitely one.

He caught the spirit of a community