Very enjoyable, and a good look at how far we've come as a community in the last 13 years.
Definitely entertaining, and a good way to break the ice.
Thanks, this is a topic we've been dealing with at work with other languages, but haven't really tackled it for PHP yet. It's good to see some working examples and practical instructions about how to convert to DI. For next time, one of the things that would be helpful for someone like me who is new to it is a quick comparison of good PHP DI containers and what we should be considering as we decide what to use.
Good talk about building an API. I don't necessarily agree with all of the things said as it was an opinionated talk and I have a different opinion about API building for some things, but I agree with a lot of it and it did contain a lot of good information (even the stuff I disagree with was presented for a good reason and I can respect it for sure).
Excellent introduction to DI and how to use it with legacy systems.
Great information. I only wish I had something in hand to take away as a reference for my various current and future caching needs.
This was a good general talk about caching in PHP. It addressed many of my personal questions about caching for retail. The speaker was knowledgeable and friendly.
Entertaining and informative. Very enjoyable talk.
Second time I've seen the talk, and was still entertained. Well done.
Thanks David!