Talk comments

Great talk. Great info about when many threads become one.

Great tutorial. Very patient teacher. Very flexible format.

Great talk one of the best of the conference

Samantha took us on a trip through one of the most interesting problem spaces and how solutions were prototyped and analyzed, showing the evolution of the architecture and finally leading to the completed system. To be such a technical talk I still felt like I was following an interesting story, yet all the technical choices made sense in the context of presentation. I will be studying this for some time; there is so much good here.

I was looking forward to this talk coming into the conference and I was not disappointed. Great treatment of the subject. The talk clearly and articulately presented what this is about, disambiguated async and concurrent, demonstrated vanilla and package based techniques, and addressed why and how this is useful. Lots of useful code examples, up-to-date package recommendations, and the pacing and presentation were very pro.

Power-packed. Finally, a talk that isn't introducing Behat. Jeffrey Way introduces Behat better than anyone. Jessica Mauerhan teaches you to use it to get some real work done! A fully-loaded talk with tons of practical advice and usable code examples. Perhaps a lot of time is spent on maintaining Behat 2.x techniques; is version lock-in with Behat 2 a thing? Either way, attending this talk has made me better; practicing along with the slides now.

Good talk. Include discussion of needs rehashing checking and how to plan and maintain a living security model. Jonathan is a fantastic speaker.

If the other conference attendees could please return the pieces of my exploded head that littered this room, I would greatly appreciate it. Michael did a great job of presenting the usefulness of this tool. The included code was practically useful and understandable as were both the abstract and practical demonstrations. I was surprised by how easy it is to download Neo4j and get going.