Talk comments

Interesting and detailed topic, explained very well, but the rendition itself could be improved.

I will relay two tips that were given to myself too:
- do not write too much on the slides and "read" them, it will distract the listeners from what you say and fixate them on the text
- use branches or tags to have checkpoints during the live demo, to have a way for fast recovery when something goes wrong, as it always will

Nice talk, with some really interesting tips especially at the end!

Really nice talk to explain the advantages of the technology. I will try it as soon as possible

Great content. It made me re evaluate kubernetes!
There is a lot of content and maybe compressing it into 50 min is a bit reductive. Maybe a workshop :)

Slides not available, and to fast to follow

Very interesting subject matter, but oh-so-wide as a subject, might be worth scoping it down to make it more focused.

Hugely appreciated the secret ending, very good point on how to pick your weapon (and poison, to a point), perhaps would throw in some mention of what it would take to also serve graphql, as that seems to be the flavor of the month.

Nice talk that starts from the basic but touched a few nice tips and concepts. The "post-credit" addition was a really nice touch!

Great skills, excellent English, good insight. What can be improved: have a more defined narrative with summary and chapters instead of an uninterrupted workflow.