Thanks for the talk! Good one, i really liked it. But i wished for more insights. We had enough time for practice, which was great! But more practice for writing the fitting tests would have been better than some exercises that targeted on the programming solution, and not thier tests. So if there would have been a little working app where we have to write tests for, that would have been nice.
And/or an example where we would see more the benefit of TDD, to see how the tests shape the form of the tested object.
Great talk, a lot of good insights in there. And really setting the basics! :-)
But we had no time to touch the keyboard. After lunch break it would have been great to follow a one or two practice tutorials.
Gut aufgebaut, ansprechend vermittelt. Hat sich gelohnt.
Statt dem Ausflug ins Behat-Testing hätte ich lieber die asynchrone Abwicklung betrachtet, weil näher am eigentlichen Thema des Workshops.
Excellent key note. Great speaker.
Der erste Talk, der verständlich erklärt hat, was es wirklich mit Event Sourcing und CQRS auf sich hat. Hat Spaß gemacht. Werde mir prooph auf jeden Fall mal ansehen.
Missing some Sumeup with Basics what exactly The topic is about.
Great Persenting in general!
Great Talk for startimg the day!
Interesting and informative.
In my opinion, Symfony Flex was covered too much.
Guter Überblick über Symfony4-Features, flex, praktische Hinweise zur Migration bestehender Anwendungen. Praktisches anwendungsbeispirl war gut, aber zum Ende hin zu simpel (zu wenige eigene Arbeit erforderlich). Hat leider etwas unter dem miesen wlan gelitten ;)
Good overview how to „not write code“