Imformativer Vortrag. Interessanter Redner. Ein paar mehr praktische Beispiele wären nett.
The speaker gave his best. But was visibly nervous and mumbled alot, which made understanding him difficult.
The proposed testing idea is cheap and very interesting, until you get to the details. 😀
The library he introduced is good, if you use Symfony. But it was obvious that it would take a ton of configuration. One suggestion would be putting that configuration into the controller as annotation. Or make it possible to split the configuration along url paths.
Das hätte die Keynote sein müssen!
Sehr guter Vortrag! Sprecher ist lebendig und witzig.
Inhaltlich sehr voll und es werden nicht die selben allgemein bekannten Best Practices wiederholt. Das ist angenehm, insbesondere da andere Vorträge sehr inhaltsarm sind.
Der TDD Workshop war sehr gelungen, er hatte die Abstrahierung von einem Table Top, in Unit Test zu Klassen zum Thema.
Presentation topic with a lot of potential, cache tagging is a very powerful technique.
The part with slides was very good, but the live coding was not well prepared. Would recommend to prepare better that part or even record videos for that to avoid issues while on stage.
Could take a lot out of it.
Super Vortrag. Sehr gut zu folgender Sprecher
Bitte weniger "Äh's". Das nervt.
Ansonsten super Vortrag!
Overall good talk.
The presenter has a tendency to mumble to him self and then trips over his words.
The talk is very informative, but lacks concrete use cases.