Talk comments

As Joshua already mentioned in his talk: there are a lot of APIs claiming to be RESTful, but in fact they aren't (fully) RESTful. It takes a lot of care to create a true REST API.
Although I already touched the subject, this workshop made some common pitfalls (painfully) clear when we started to do an implementation. It's hard, but thanks to this workshop I got a better picture what it takes to design and implement a REST API and what the idea behind the principle is.
I got absolutely nothing negative to say about the workshop: we had an overview, which was clear to me, and a hands-on experience in which we (of course) made mistakes, solved those and learned.


At an introduction workshop, I think the challenge is to give people a good offset and challenge them to not only work with this new technique, but also to stimulate future usage.
For me, Stefan managed to do all of that. He treated the core features which gave an offset to get started with Silex in a very short time. This is what I'm looking for at an introduction workshop!

This talk was the main reason I went to the techademy workshop because I will soon have to think about creating an api.

And I'm glad to have done that workshop because I never imagined all the complexities of making a correct REST api.

But thanks to Joshua's very good introduction and especially the exercise we were made to do I now know much more about REST than I thought I knew.

Thx Joshua!


Very well given workshop about the most important things you should know to get started with Silex! Although I already played a lot with Silex, I learned some extra new tips & tricks.

For practicing all the theory we had the opportunity to create a nice little app which was really funny to do.

If I have to say something negative, then it would only be about the poor wifi :p

Thx Stefan !

And also thx for the great and tasty lunch after the talk :)