17:30 - Pre-meetup - gathering, small talk

Thursday 21st February 2019

Code archeology - refactoring legacy app
Talk by Ivan Herak (30 minutes)

“Professor of Archaeology, expert on the occult, and how does one say it… obtainer of rare antiquities.” _Indiana Jones: Raiders of the lost Ark__ We have all faced legacy code, and the dread of refactoring it to fit new requirements. In this talk I would like to share my experiences and practises acquired during upgrade of 6 years old application, inside a 10 person team. I will touch everything from team relationships to practical advices during such a bold move.

Open Source to the Core: Why
Talk by Ivo Lukač, Edi Modric (30 minutes)

After many years of open-sourcing lot of smaller features in eZ and Symfony space, we now open-sourced our flagship product: Netgen Layouts. In this talk, we will share why and how you can start using it.

Changelog update script
Talk by Matija Kovačević (5 minutes)

Simple bash script to (version) update CHANGELOG.md using local GIT commit messages and tags.

Php Segfault && Beautiful Git Checkout
Talk by Marijan Šuflaj (5 minutes)

Breaking Php and Getting Visual Git Checkout in Terminal

Awesome Dev Fun
Talk by Mislav Cimpersak (5 minutes)

A curated list of meaningless libraries and packages