This is a big one! ZgPHP meetup 0b100000 will feature all three group organizers exercising their English speaking skills. Miro and Luka will be rehearsing for their appearance at PHP Day in Verona later this month, and Ivan just didn’t want to be left out. This will make meetup #32 the first ZgPHP meetup held entirely in English. Come and be entertained!

Thursday 17th April 2014

18:10 Password hashing functions in PHP 5.5
Talk by Ivan Habunek (10 minutes)

Password hashing functions in PHP 5.5

Web application: Tech from startup to enterprise
Talk by Miro Svrtan (30 minutes)

Web application: Tech from startup to enterprise

19:10 Codeception, because tests can have frameworks too!
Talk by Luka Mužinić (30 minutes)

Codeception, because tests can have frameworks too!