Talk in English - US at CascadiaPHP 2024
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Crater Lake
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As shocking as this may be, not every team has a dedicated database administrator. Like many developers, I have had to learn difficult lessons about database design the hard way when under a lot of pressure to get something that’s broken fixed. In this session, we will go over how to normalize our database, how to use indexes to improve our performance and discuss using constraints to make sure that the data entered into our database follows our business rules.
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Really enjoyed your presentations. Good pacing, clear facts, useful information.
This is the talk I wish I had ten years ago, covering all of the database fundamentals that all engineers should be familiar with. Unless your team has a dedicated DBA, this talk is a must for any developer that has to put data into a database.
Great job, I appreciated the war stories and reasoning behind the recommendations
Solid info, got some great ideas from the section on triggers. Really appreciated the emphasis on showing actual code. If this were a longer talk you could add some more depth on backup strategies and architectural issues like replication and non-prod instances (or not, and just recommend something like Planetscale). All in all though, excellent talk.
Great real-world examples of how to organize your data better